For more information on Inauguration sponsorship and benefaction, please contact Amy Eaton, Associate Vice President for Development, 503-943-8551 or For HOPE and PILOTS benefaction, please contact Erik Edmonds, Associate Director of Annual Giving, 503-943-7826 or
This volume presents for the first time an in-depth analysis of the origins of Greek euergetism. Derived from the Greek for 'benefactor', 'euergetism' refers to the process whereby citizens and foreigners offered voluntary services and donations to the polis that were in turn recognised as benefactions in a formal act of reciprocation. Euergetism is key to our understanding of how city-states negotiated both the internal tensions between mass and elite, and their conflicts with external powers. This study adopts the standpoint of historical anthropology and seeks to identify patterns of behaviour and social practices deeply rooted in Greek society and in the long course of Greek history. It covers more than five hundred years and will appeal to ancient historians and scholars in other fields interested in gift exchange, benefactions, philanthropy, power relationships between mass and elite, and the interplay between public discourse and social praxis.
"Libraries are often considered the laboratories of the humanities, and it gives us enormous satisfaction to be in a position to invest in humanities research in this way", said Professor Ron Cooke, Vice-Chancellor. "We are enormously grateful to the Raymond Burton Charitable Trust for this timely and generous benefaction. The Trust has supported the University for many years through the sponsorship of concerts and, most recently, it has contributed to important resources for our new Centre for Eighteenth Century Studies."
"This most generous benefaction enables us to bring to fruition plans for a humanities research library and support centre much sooner than we could have hoped," said University Librarian, Elizabeth Heaps. "It is entirely appropriate that York as a prestigious research university should commit its own funds to supporting humanities research in this way. It is such an exciting project."
Benefaction is one of the oft repeated issues in the verses of the Holy Qur'an. Whether we think of benefaction as doing good deeds, giving to charity, kindness to orphans, the most important thing underlined in the verses of the Holy Qur'an and the ahadith of the Prophet (S) and his Ahlul Bayt (as) is the presence of such acts in our lives.The present booklet emphasises on the importance of teaching good behaviour and benefaction acts from childhood as our society should be the most kind and careful with it residents as per the advice of our Prophet (S) and his Ahlul Bayt(as).
Throughout the history of the Faculty of Law and the Squire Law Library, there has been a tradition of benefaction among Cambridge Alumni and others with an interest in the health of the subject within the University. This desire to support teaching, learning and research in Law within Cambridge continues to the present day with investment in lectureships, student bursaries, exchange programs, visitor schemes, IT facilities and library resources.
There have been three successful Law Appeals in the history of the Faculty, with the first being launched in 1898. Its aim was to raise funds for accommodation for the Law School including a library, lecture rooms and small teaching rooms. In 1901 the project benefited from the generosity of the trustees of the will of Miss Rebecca Flower Squire of Victoria Street, Westminster. Miss Squire, who died in 1898, had left money for the foundation of a law library and the establishment of scholarships and exhibitions in law. A history of the Squire Law Library can be found on the History of the Squire webpage. The benefaction enabled both the establishment of the Squire Law Library and the Squire Scholarship Fund. The overall success of the appeal resulted in the creation of a new law library and also gave the Faculty of Law two professors' rooms, four classrooms and a lecturers' room in the new accommodation on Downing Street, Cambridge.
The concept of benefaction, as shaped in the pre-industrial society, has been altered and replaced by the modern term of sponsoring. The verbal transformation emerges from a deep cultural shift. Focusing on the dipole of benefactionsponsoring, we examine the cultural transition from the traditional communities of long duration to the modern societies of consumption, taking the Greek mountainous regions as an example. We investigate the cultural shift that generates the metastasis from the communities of benefaction to the modern brandplaces that consume their own cultural heritage, mainly, at the altar of the tourism industry. Modern society has adopted the concept of sponsoring, for the grace of which, culture has to prove evidence of economic value, in order to survive. In the extremely competitive frame of the free-market economy, mountain regions appear vulnerable. The selling and buying of their culture are tempting and attractive under a constantly shrinking welfare-state and narrowing development opportunities. It depends on local and national society to rediscover and regenerate those social mechanisms able to create culture or let the modern consumption-oriented forces prevail. However, authentic principles of benefaction may form an alternative perspective for social reorganization.
Charity law places certain constraints on charities, and in recommending acceptance of any benefaction the Development Director shall make available to the College information under the following headings:
In the case of unproven allegations of criminality against a potential donor, no account shall be taken of mere rumour, but care will be exercised in accepting any benefaction, or continuing negotiations towards a possible benefaction, where there is a risk of significant damage to the College's reputation.
The Council are publishing this Notice in response to the recommendations made for the acceptance of benefactions by their Working Party on ethical guidelines for financial arrangements with external bodies.
1. Under Regulation 6 of the regulations for the Vice-Chancellor (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 655) the Regent House has delegated the acceptance of benefactions to the Vice-Chancellor. In exercising this responsibility, the Vice-Chancellor will seek the advice of the Executive Committee of the Council for all benefactions over 1m, or that are likely to give rise to significant public interest.
2. Charity law places certain constraints on charities, and in recommending acceptance of any benefaction the Executive Committee shall make available to the Vice-Chancellor information under the following headings:
Although benefactions which are uncontroversial and which are worth less than 1m may not be subject to detailed scrutiny by the Executive Committee, acceptance will nevertheless be considered explicitly against these ethical guidelines.
3. All members of the University involved in fundraising are encouraged to consult the Development Office at an early stage in their discussions with a potential benefactor. The Development Office can advise on the use of these guidelines, and consultation will also reduce the risk of unco-ordinated approaches to a single potential donor; spread familiarity with the process for accepting benefactions; and may allow an early warning of anyone unknowingly approaching a potential benefactor whose donation is not likely to be acceptable. 041b061a72